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How Tropicfeel Boosted Conversions with Winning CRO Strategy

September 6, 2024
7 min read

Tropicfeel is an eco-conscious brand offering sustainable travel gear such as shoes, backpacks, and accessories. With its website designed to reflect the brand’s commitment to sustainability and adventure, Tropicfeel has also focused on delivering an optimized user experience.

Tropicfeel became an instant global eCommerce brand, expanding to 140+ countries and working with responsibly-sourced manufacturers worldwide. The company has experienced an impressive 80% year-on-year growth since its inception, with 88% of organic traffic coming from branded searches—demonstrating strong brand recognition.

Traffic Breakdown

Tropicfeel’s traffic sources reflect a diverse and balanced mix that helps drive both brand visibility and conversions. Here's a snapshot of their key traffic channels:

  • Direct: 40.95%
  • Paid Search: 26.23%
  • Organic Search: 16.04%
  • Social: 11.82%
  • Referral: 3.88%

Tropicfeel’s traffic is powered by a balanced mix, with strong direct traffic showing brand loyalty, paid search driving new customer acquisition, and organic search ensuring long-term visibility. Social and referral channels further enhance reach and credibility, contributing to consistent growth across key platforms.

This case study explores how Tropicfeel leverages design, multimedia, and seamless navigation to improve conversions and enhance the customer journey.

1. Website Experience & Home Page Analysis

Visual Appeal and Brand Messaging

The hero banner prominently communicates the brand's commitment to sustainability, highlighting the use of recycled and upcycled materials in their innovative travel gear.

The homepage doesn’t just showcase beautiful visuals; it also reinforces Tropicfeel's values through strategic content placement. Short product videos and images effectively display the gear’s versatility across diverse terrains and weather conditions, appealing to adventure-seeking customers. Additionally, the "B Corp Certified" badge is prominently featured, signifying the brand’s leadership in using business as a force for good. This badge showcases Tropicfeel’s adherence to high environmental and social performance standards, further solidifying its appeal to eco-conscious shoppers. 

Engagement Through Multimedia

The homepage plays a crucial role in Tropicfeel’s CRO strategy, driving approximately 65% of their organic traffic. One of its key strengths is the immersive use of multimedia, especially videos and high-quality images that evoke a sense of adventure and inspire wanderlust. This aligns well with their brand mission of encouraging eco-conscious travel.

Multimedia not only engages users at various stages of the funnel—whether they are exploring or ready to make a purchase—but it also builds an emotional connection, encouraging users to explore product offerings. The fast-loading images and seamless multimedia experience ensure users stay engaged without encountering any friction.

Navigation & Menu

Tropicfeel’s side-tab navigation menu plays a key role in enhancing the user experience by organizing products based on activities (e.g., hiking, sailing, working) and destinations (e.g., cold or warm climates). This intuitive filtering system helps users quickly find products that align with their specific needs. The vertical structure of the menu offers a smooth navigation experience across both desktop and mobile devices, reducing friction and allowing for easy exploration.

The menu also features banners that direct traffic to deeper product pages, encouraging users to discover additional offerings. Highlighting offers, freebies, and new arrivals within the menu increases engagement, while dedicated sections for FAQs, shipping, and returns make the purchasing process transparent and informed.

Overall, this navigation structure significantly improves the site's usability by offering tailored suggestions and clear pathways, which can lead to higher conversion rates.

Clean, Minimalist Design

The clean, minimalist design ensures that the brand’s values and products are front and center without overwhelming users. The layout’s simplicity makes it easy for visitors to navigate through the site, with clear and visible CTAs like “Shop Now” leading users seamlessly to product pages. The search bar, cart, and login buttons are always visible, facilitating smooth navigation and reducing friction.

The design also incorporates small badges on product snippets, such as "Offer," "Limited Edition," and "Best Price," increasing user motivation to explore and make purchases. This minimalist approach reduces distractions and friction in the shopping process, allowing users to focus on the product benefits, which ultimately enhances conversion rates

2. Product Page Analysis: 

Personalization & Upselling

Tropicfeel has implemented subtle upselling tactics on the product pages and in the shopping cart. For example, when a customer adds the Shell Backpack to their cart, they are shown complementary products, such as the SIP™ bottle or a wildlife conservation pin. These upselling features not only add value to the customer’s purchase but also align with the brand's environmental ethos.

This thoughtful upselling increases the average order value (AOV) while maintaining a seamless and customer-focused shopping experience. By suggesting relevant, eco-friendly products, Tropicfeel reinforces the brand's values and improves the customer’s shopping experience.

Interactive Product Videos

A unique feature of Tropicfeel’s product pages is the use of detailed product videos that demonstrate how each item functions. For instance, when a user clicks on a specific product like the Shell Backpack, they are presented with a video that walks them through the product’s features—showing it being unboxed and highlighting its key functions. This serves as a 3D-like experience, helping users visualize how the product operates in real life.

These videos are incredibly effective for increasing user confidence in the product. Seeing a product in action allows customers to better understand its size, compartments, and features, which minimizes the uncertainty typically associated with online shopping. The functional videos contribute to an enhanced shopping experience and likely improve conversion rates by providing transparency and detailed information in a visually engaging format.

Customer Reviews & Social Proof

Tropicfeel emphasizes customer reviews throughout the product pages, with a dedicated section showing a variety of user-generated content. Reviews, ratings, and testimonials from verified buyers add an extra layer of trust and credibility to the product pages. Moreover, these reviews often come with images or videos from customers who have used the products in real-life settings, further validating the product’s quality.

By integrating customer reviews prominently, Tropicfeel leverages social proof to reassure potential buyers. This tactic not only boosts credibility but also enhances the likelihood of conversion, as users are more inclined to trust the experiences of other customers before making a purchase. The combination of video demonstrations and customer reviews reduces the risk of buyer hesitation, improving overall user satisfaction.

Eco-Conscious Messaging

On the product page for the Shell Backpack, Tropicfeel emphasizes its commitment to sustainability. The page provides users with detailed product information, including size, color options, and environmental impact. The focus on sustainability is front and center, clearly communicating the environmental benefits of choosing Tropicfeel’s products.

This transparency helps build trust with eco-conscious consumers and demonstrates Tropicfeel’s commitment to reducing environmental impact. For customers who prioritize sustainability, this messaging is a significant value proposition that enhances the likelihood of conversion.

Product Bundling & Cross-Selling

Tropicfeel also uses effective bundling tactics by offering a free accessory with the purchase of the Shell Backpack. Users can select from a range of items, such as the toiletry bag or camera cube, creating a sense of value for the buyer.

This tactic not only increases the perceived value of the purchase but also drives users to complete their transaction. The cross-selling options are presented in a clear and non-intrusive manner, helping to optimize the checkout process and improve the overall customer experience.

3. Category & Landing Page Analysis

Product Carousels

Tropicfeel’s collection pages contribute approximately 25% of the overall organic traffic, highlighting the effectiveness of their well-optimized page structure, content optimization, and user-friendly design.

Tropicfeel uses product carousels on its landing pages to showcase its product collections. What makes these carousels unique is the way they present products in real-world contexts. When users hover over a product, instead of just showing a different angle of the item, they see the product in use—such as someone wearing the shoes or backpack during a trip. This enhances the user experience by giving customers a visual representation of how the products will fit into their lifestyle. Such product visualization adds depth to the customer journey and can significantly boost conversion rates.

Through this effective optimization, Tropicfeel's backpack collection page now ranks within the top 10 for the highly competitive keyword 'backpack,' competing alongside major brands like Amazon, Target, and Jansport.

Comparison & Filtering Features

The product comparison page, here specifically for backpacks and luggage, allows users to easily compare the features of different products. The ability to see details such as size, use case, and capacity makes it easier for customers to make informed decisions. The filtering options help users narrow down their choices based on their specific needs, further improving the user experience.

By making the comparison process simple and informative, Tropicfeel enhances the customer’s decision-making process, leading to more confident purchases and fewer cart abandonments. This level of detail reduces decision fatigue and helps customers choose the right product for their needs, which contributes to higher conversion rates.

Below-the-Fold Content

The addition of content on collection pages serves multiple purposes. It provides valuable product information and addresses users' product-related queries efficiently. Additionally, it enhances the page’s ranking potential by optimizing target keywords and incorporating internal links, thereby increasing the page's relevance to its target keywords.

4. Checkout Process & Cart Experience

Free Shipping & Discount Thresholds

Tropicfeel’s cart page clearly communicates any promotions, such as free shipping for orders over €99. This kind of transparency builds trust and encourages users to add more items to their cart to reach the free shipping threshold. Additionally, the cart page includes eco-friendly upselling options like the wildlife conservation pin, which aligns with the brand's values and encourages users to make a positive impact.

By clearly communicating these incentives, Tropicfeel creates a frictionless checkout experience that is aligned with the brand's identity. The smooth checkout process helps reduce cart abandonment and encourages users to complete their purchase.

Cart Suggestions

Once a user adds an item to their cart, they are shown suggestions for complementary products. These cross-sell suggestions are relevant to the user’s purchase, adding value without feeling intrusive. The subtle nature of the suggestions helps increase the average order value while maintaining a pleasant shopping experience.

This approach to upselling and cross-selling ensures that users feel supported in making purchasing decisions without overwhelming them. The user-friendly nature of these suggestions improves the overall customer experience and contributes to higher conversions.

Sales Funnel Breakdown

Top of Funnel (TOFU): Building Brand Awareness

Brand Awareness through Social Media: Tropicfeel leverages multiple social media platforms to reach potential customers, showcasing their eco-conscious mission and innovative products.

Innovative Campaigns & Collaborations: Collaborating with influencers and aligning with environmental causes boosts engagement and trust.

Google Product Ads on Non-Branded Keywords: Tropicfeel captures top-of-funnel traffic by bidding on non-branded search terms, expanding their reach to new audiences.

Middle of Funnel (MOFU): Nurturing Leads

Affiliate Marketing: They partner with relevant affiliates to drive traffic and build trust through third-party endorsements.

Press Release Publishing: Regular press releases keep Tropicfeel in the spotlight, furthering brand recognition and credibility.

Guest Posting on Relevant Sites: By guest posting on eco-conscious and travel blogs, Tropicfeel nurtures potential customers with relevant content.

Leveraging UGC (User-Generated Content): Customer reviews, photos, and stories create social proof that builds trust and encourages users to move forward in their buying journey.

Specially Designed Collections for Brand Collabs: Collaborations allows Tropicfeel to create limited-edition collections that generate buzz.

Discount Coupons on Subscription: Offering exclusive discounts to email subscribers keeps potential customers engaged and encourages repeat visits to the site.

Bottom of funnel (BOFU) : Boosting Conversions

Cross-Selling Offers & Freebies on Purchase: Tropicfeel incentivizes purchases with bundled offers and freebies, boosting average order value (AOV).

Clear CTAs & Highlighting Ongoing Offers: Prominent call-to-actions and regularly updated offers help streamline decision-making and drive conversions.

Simple Checkout Flow: A streamlined checkout process with minimal steps, a single-page form, multiple payment methods (including EMI options), and clear highlighting of applied discounts ensures a frictionless experience for customers.

Email Newsletters: Tropicfeel keeps customers informed with regular email newsletters featuring exclusive offers, travel guides, new collections, and product launches, further engaging users and fostering loyalty.

Tropicfeel’s sales funnel is a well-crafted journey that strategically guides potential customers from initial discovery to final conversion. By combining top-of-funnel awareness campaigns with engaging middle-of-funnel nurturing tactics and a seamless bottom-of-funnel experience, they’ve created a comprehensive system that not only attracts new customers but also maximizes conversions and boosts customer loyalty.

Their use of innovative campaigns, social media engagement, UGC, and collaborations at the TOFU and MOFU stages ensures they’re constantly reaching new audiences while building trust with their existing customer base. The focus on a frictionless checkout process, clear CTAs, and cross-selling opportunities at the BOFU stage ensures that customers move smoothly through the purchasing journey, resulting in higher sales and increased average order value.

By combining these strategic elements, Tropicfeel has built a scalable and effective conversion machine that fuels their impressive year-on-year growth, positioning them as a leader in both eCommerce and sustainable travel gear.

Conclusion & Key Takeaways

Tropicfeel’s holistic approach to CRO (conversion rate optimization) has been a key driver behind their impressive global expansion and 80% year-on-year growth. From leveraging multimedia on their homepage to engaging users with seamless navigation, Tropicfeel’s eCommerce strategy embodies a deep understanding of their customers' journey.

Their well-structured sales funnel, focusing on awareness, nurturing, and conversion, is a testament to how thoughtful design, meaningful collaborations, and personalized customer engagement can transform an eco-conscious travel brand into a global powerhouse. By combining this with a frictionless checkout process, smart upselling techniques, and transparent eco-conscious messaging, Tropicfeel not only enhances conversions but builds long-term customer loyalty.

Ultimately, Tropicfeel's ability to balance sustainability with exceptional user experience has enabled them to stand out in a competitive eCommerce landscape, offering valuable insights for any brand looking to optimize its own digital strategies.

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